Shallow Post Is Shallow but Funny

So both the Chronicles bloggers plan to be at Development Camp a few days this week. Of course we’re excited; we’ve wondered if anyone will try to hit a puck at us again, if my nemesis Smoothie Cup lady will be back, or if Bruce will say “hello” to us why we lurk in a hallway like last year. So of course our Sunday will drag by so to entertain ourselves we present “hockey stuff I found on google”:

Fedorov would clearly be Jill.

That sir’s arm is not amused.

It’s not that funny I just love young Knuble.

Breath, our lovely Cougar readers, breath. He doesn’t.

…Berries and Cream man?

He’s practicing his “HAI GURL” pose

“And, after scoring the winning goal Matthew Bradley, #10, went and helped birth a baby buffalo but not before doing a quick bit of composting.”


Real goalies where pink? No, apparently hippie vomit.

1 Comment

Filed under Meghan's Blog, Other Players, Other Teams, Random Ramblings, Washington Capitals

One response to “Shallow Post Is Shallow but Funny

  1. lucy

    So hilarious! I love that you said that the leaf’s guy looks the berries and cream dude cause that’s exactly what I thought when I first saw that pic a while job!

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