Tag Archives: hobo

What’s the Difference Between a Hobo and a Blogger?

Not much. I don’t really follow Penguins nay I usually avoid anything to do with the Penguins but the headline homeless man gives advice to Lemuiex was way to good to avoid. I mean I know I get all my advice from that guy who looks like santa claus who pan handles on 95 but a hockey team is a little different. So a man took it upon himself to send letters and throw christian CD’s over his fence. The man also sent letters to Crosby and Pen’s Staal. The letters were pretty nonsensical but they gave dietary advice and one talked of how Crosby isn’t experienced enough to be captain. Speak it, Homeless Joe! All kidding aside a little creepy.

Now if only we could have someone send our management letters like here’s a few;

Dear Washington Capitals,
Who the hell is this Clark fellow? Does he even play for us anymore? How bout that Brooks Laich for captain?

Dear Washington Capitals,

Dear Washington Capitals,
How bout giving me a job? (‘Cause if I was homeless that’s what I would be asking about… or even if I wasn’t)

Milan Jurchina’s hearing is today more on that later.

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Filed under Brooks Laich, Meghan's Blog, Other Teams, Pittsburgh Penguins